Paper about XForms and XFormsMM

Thomas Uhrig · May 30, 2012

I have currently finished a paper about XForms (and XFormsMM) for an univerity course called Adaptive User Interfaces. The paper gives a general introduction to XForms as well as to XFormsMM. XFormsMM is a (quite theoretical) approach how multi-modal forms can be build on top of XForms. It’s based on a paper of Mikko Honkala and Mikko Pohja and on the idea of extending XForms with modality-dependent style-sheets.

You can download the paper here. My own presentation about XForms can be found here.

I have used the following resources, which are also a good starting point to get some information about XForms:

To get started and to get an idea of what XForms is, I’ve made a small example using the FormFaces library:

The code is quite simple. First of all, you have to declare some namespaces for XForms itself and for the XML events XForms is using:

After that, you have to include the FormFaces JavaScript library to your code:

Now you can declare an XML data-model to be modified with the form, e.g. from an XML file:

The corresponding XML file looks like this:

123 false false 0 0

Now, you can write XForms controls to operate on this data-model. A simple control can look like this:

How many houres are you online per day?

Please enter a valid periode!

So, all together:

Best regards, Thomas Uhrig.