A basic micro-frontend with Vaadin

Microservices are a well established pattern in backend development. Everybody is using it. Running more than a dozen of microservices just to handle a single domain is not uncommon. But when it comes to frontend development, things are often different. I experienced two situations a lot:

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How to plot test results to discover regressions

In my daily work, I strongly believe in the benefits of End-2-End tests. End-2-End tests give us the confidence that our system is working as in tended. Other than unit tests, they are black box tests running from outside against our deployed services. They are our final barrier before we deploy anything to production: if the End-2-End tests are green, we can hit the button.

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Neo4J with Spring Boot

Over the last ten years, I worked with a lot of different database. I worked with traditional SQL databases such as DB2 and Oracle in a professional context. NoSQL databases such as DynamoDB have been my best friends during the last five years. On side projects I also touched stuff like MongoDB. However, I never worked with a graph-database up till now. Time to change that with Neo4J!

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