A GPS diary in four weeks with Play!

Thomas Uhrig · July 23, 2013

During the last four weeks I did another small project for one of my university courses this semester. The course was about ORM modelling and abstractions for databases. We did some exercies with Hibernate and discussed diefferent aspects about ORM modelling. At the end of the course, every student made a small web-project using a framework and ORM tool of his choice.

Most of us used Play! and ebeans to make their application - me too. I didn’t have any experience with Play! but it was very pleasent to work with. Togehter with Foundation CSS prototyping was extremly fast. And ebeans also did a great job. During the whole project I didn’t write any line of SQL - nice!

Online demo

You can see a demo on http://tad.mi.hdm-stuttgart.de/. Just log-in as tad@tad.de with 123456 as your password to see a demo-account with some data.


My presentation about TAD: http://tuhrig.de/wp-content/uploads/tad/presentation.html


The code is available on my university’s own Git repository, but it is public:

git clone https://version.mi.hdm-stuttgart.de/git/TAD

Best regards, Thomas Uhrig