During the last week I implemented my first persistence layer with DynamoDB using Spring Boot and Kotlin. As I stumbled over a couple of obstacles, I decided to summarize what I did and how my final implementation looked like.
The dependencies are pretty straight forward.
I decided to use Spring Data for DynamoDB and pulled in a single dependency to my build.gradle
Before you can use DynamoDB in Spring Boot you need to configure it - of course. I decided to provide two configurations, one for local development and one for production. For local development I’m running DynamoDB in Docker (using richnorth/dynalite). On production everything runs on AWS. You will find both configurations below.
I also decided to create the DynamoDB table on the fly as soon as the application starts.
If the table already exists, DynamoDB will throw an error which will be handled gracefully.
This is the same approach the AWS SDK uses internally, for example in com.amazonaws...leases.impl.LeaseManager#createLeaseTableIfNotExists(...)
class DynamoDbConfiguration {
private val log: Logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(this.javaClass)
fun dynamoDb(): AmazonDynamoDB {
val client = AmazonDynamoDBClientBuilder.defaultClient()
createTableForEntity(client, MyEntity::class)
return client
fun dynamoDbLocal(@Value("\\${aws.dynamodb.endpoint}") amazonDynamoDBEndpoint: String): AmazonDynamoDB {
val client = AmazonDynamoDBClientBuilder
.withCredentials(AWSStaticCredentialsProvider(BasicAWSCredentials("key", "secret")))
.withEndpointConfiguration(AwsClientBuilder.EndpointConfiguration(amazonDynamoDBEndpoint, Regions.EU_CENTRAL_1.toString()))
createTableForEntity(client, MyEntity::class)
return client
private fun createTableForEntity(amazonDynamoDB: AmazonDynamoDB, entity: KClass<*>) {
val tableRequest = DynamoDBMapper(amazonDynamoDB)
.withProvisionedThroughput(ProvisionedThroughput(1L, 1L))
try {
log.info("Table created! [entity={}]", entity)
} catch (e: ResourceInUseException) {
log.info("Table already exists - skip creation! [entity={}]", entity)
Entity model
The entity model was the first tricky part. I wanted to use a composite primary key made up of a hash key (aka partition key) and a range key (aka sort key).
That’s the point where two concepts seems to collide:
Spring Data requires a single property as a unique key annotated with @Id
whereas DynamoDB requires getter and setter for both, hash key and range key.
There are two possible ways to solve this mismatch:
- The first solution is to have a unique ID and additionally implement getter and setter for the hash key and range key. The getter and setter will “redirect” all access to the unique ID. You can see an example of that approach on the official wiki of Spring Data DynamoDB.
- The second solution is the exact opposite.
We implement two properties for hash key and range key and let our
redirect to those properties. Written in Kotlin this is far less code compared to the first solution.
@DynamoDBTable(tableName = "MyEntity")
data class MyEntity(
@get:DynamoDBHashKey(attributeName = "group")
var group: String? = null,
@get:DynamoDBRangeKey(attributeName = "position")
var position: String? = null,
@DynamoDBAttribute(attributeName = "data")
var data: SomeObject? = null
) {
private var id: UniqueId? = null
get() {
return UniqueId(group, position)
data class UniqueId(
var group: String? = null,
var position: String? = null
Storing JSON
As my domain model was quite complex, I wanted to store parts of it as plain JSON.
To do so, Amazon’s SDK provides a custom annotation called @DynamoDBTypeConvertedJson
This annotation will take an object and takes care of the serialization and deserialization using Jackson’s ObjectMapper
Unfortunately, the ObjectMapper
cannot be injected.
As an annotation cannot be a Spring-managed bean, the ObjectMapper
is created with new
This is a problem if you want to (or need to) use a custom ObjectMapper
To get rid of this problem, I created my own version of Amazon’s @DynamoDBTypeConvertedJson
and called it AsJson
It will get the ObjectMapper
from outside - from a class called ObjectMapperHolder
This class is a small hack to get static access to the ObjectMapper
configured in the Spring Context.
@DynamoDBTypeConverted(converter = Converter::class)
annotation class AsJson(val targetType: KClass = Unit::class)
class Converter(targetType: Class, annotation: AsJson) : DynamoDBTypeConverter<string, t=""> {
private val targetType: KClass =
if (annotation.targetType == Unit::class) targetType.kotlin else annotation.targetType as KClass
override fun convert(obj: T): String {
return ObjectMapperHolder.getObjectMapper().writeValueAsString(obj)
override fun unconvert(json: String): T {
return ObjectMapperHolder.getObjectMapper().readValue(json, targetType.java)
class ObjectMapperHolder(private val objectMapper: ObjectMapper) {
companion object {
private var objectMapper: ObjectMapper? = null
fun getObjectMapper(): ObjectMapper {
return objectMapper
?: throw NullPointerException("ObjectMapper not set - is the Spring context already up?")
fun useObjectMappper() {
ObjectMapperHolder.objectMapper = objectMapper
Best regards, Thomas.