Over the last six months, I wrote my master thesis about porting an enterprise OSGi application to a PaaS. Last Monday, the 21th Juli 2014, I presented the main results of my thesis to my professor (best greetings to you, Mr. Goik!) and to my colleges (thanks to all of you!) at Informatica in Stuttgart-Weilimdorf, Germany (where I had written my thesis based on one of their product information management applications, called Informatica PIM).
Here are the slides of my presentation.
While my master thesis also covers topics like OSGi, VMs and JEE application servers, the presentation focuses on my final solution of a deployment process for the cloud. Based on Docker, the complete software stack used for the Informatica PIM server was packaged into separate, self-contained images. Those images have been stored in a repository and were used to automatically setup cloud instances on Amazon Web Services (AWS).
The presentation gives answers to the following questions:
- What is cloud computing and what is AWS?
- What are containers and what is Docker?
- How can we deploy containers?
To automate the deployment process of Docker images, I implemented my own little tool called DeployMan. It will show up at the end of my slides and I will write about it in a couple of days here. Although there are a lot of tools out there to automate Docker deployments (e.g. fig or Maestro), I wanted to do my own experiments and to create a prototype for my thesis.
<iframe src=”https://docs.google.com/presentation/embed?id=1WSCPrIEOpCqrTvzmIBNWqVxnCj5DNyyBuZeIk0LACgc&start=false&loop=false& frameborder=” 0”=”” width=”625” height=”500”></iframe>
Best regards, Thomas