During this summer semester, two friends of mine and I made a student project called TechTrends. TechTrends is a web application that lets you search for articles and trends in the field of computer science. We crawl posts from Reddit and Hackernews and provide an intelligent search on them. You can type in a key-word (e.g. bitcoin) and get a timeline showing you when articles for this topic have been published.
We will present our project at the Media Night at our university next week. It’s open for everybody and for free. It will start around 6 pm, but you can come whenever you want to. There is no schedule. Every project has its own booth, where it is presented and where you can ask question and get in touch with the people behind it.
You can find the program and information about all projects on http://www.hdm-stuttgart.de/medianight.
What? - Media Night 2013 When? - 27th June 2013, from 6 pm to 10 pm Where? - Hochschule der Medien, Nobelstraße 10 , 70569 Stuttgart
Our project is online on http://techtrends.mi.hdm-stuttgart.de/.
Best regards, Thomas Uhrig