Visualizing KML files in Google Maps
June 14, 2013
The question is easy: How can I visualize the track of a KML file on Google Maps via JavaScript?
My personal blog about software development since 2010
June 14, 2013
The question is easy: How can I visualize the track of a KML file on Google Maps via JavaScript?
June 9, 2013
Optimizing the images of a web page is easy and the best way to speedup the site. On the basis of the famous book “Even Faster Web Sites” by Steve Souders, Annette Landmesser and I made a small presentation for an university course called Development of Rich Media Systems thought by Jakob Schröter. The presentation contains some general patterns and practices for lossy and non-lossy optimization. Enjoy.
May 7, 2013
Parsing HTML is easy. Libraries like Beautiful Soup give you an compact and straight forward interface to process websites in your preferred programming language. But this is only the first step. The interesting question is: How to extract the meaningful content of HTML?
March 30, 2013
Sometimes you need to collect data - for visualization, data-mining, research or whatever you want. But collecting data takes time, especially when time is a major concern and data should be collected over a long period. Typically you would use a dedicated machine (e.g. a server) to do this, rather then using your own laptop or PC to crawl the internet for weeks. But setting up a server can be complicated and time consuming - nothing you would do for a small private project.
February 12, 2013
I spend the last few weeks in Aix-en-Provence, a small town in the very south of France close to Marseille. My girlfriend is currently studying there as a part of her master-degree. Since the weather is not so bad there (especially compared to Germany and Sweden), I got the chance to shot some good photos. Enjoy.
January 9, 2013
Nachdem ich nun mittlerweile wieder zurück in Deutschland bin, ist es Zeit für den obligatorischen ERASMUS-Bericht. Anbei findet ihr das PDF für meine Hochschule, aber auch ein paar persönliche Meinungen von mir zu den Vorlesungen die besucht habe. Ich hoffe es hilft euch.
December 18, 2012
After almost 5 months Linköping University in Sweden, it’s time for me to leave and go home again. The tickets for the ferry are already booked as well as a cheap hostel in the middle of Hamburg - I think this stop will be fun.
November 5, 2012
Last week, my new courses for the second period of this semester started. Since one of the courses is about multicore and GPU programming, I wanted to prepare myself a little bit. As a small practice for our first lab next Thursday, I implemented the Mandelbrot set in Java. I used tasks to draw the picture in parallel and made some measurements.
October 25, 2012
Wow, das ging eigentlich ziemlich schnell. Nachdem ich gestern meine zweite Klausur für diese Periode geschrieben habe, beginnt am kommenden Montag offiziell die zweite Halbzeit des Wintersemesters. Da fahren die Schweden nämlich ihren etwas eigenen Bildungsweg und unterteilen das Semester kurzerhand nochmal in zwei Hälften (inklusive je einer Klausurphasen).
October 10, 2012