Self-made event dispatcher

In my current project, we are using an event-based architecture in order to communicate between services. The events are implemented as JMS messages, which we send over ActiveMQ. Each system sends and listens to multiple events. While sending events is pretty easy, on the listener side we quickly ended up with a class explosion:

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Simple permission handling in AngularJS

Despite a simple authentication, a lot of applications have a concept of authorisation. A user is not only logged-in, but has a set of roles which allow him to perform certain actions or see certain views. For example a user with the role ADMIN will probably be able to do more things as a user with the role CUSTOMER.

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Saga pattern with Spring Boot and ActiveMQ

During the last days, I dug a little bit into the Saga pattern. The Saga pattern is an architectural pattern which provides an alternative approach to big and long-running ACID transactions. It takes a business process and breaks it down into small isolated steps - each of them with its own transaction. The overall consistency is provided by manually reverting past actions if needed (called compensating).

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