Everytime a mock returns a mock a fairy dies
August 25, 2015
As I was reading about some Mockito features last week, I stumbled over the following tweet, which really made me laugh:
My personal blog about software development since 2010
August 25, 2015
As I was reading about some Mockito features last week, I stumbled over the following tweet, which really made me laugh:
August 20, 2015
As I’m a passionate Windows user (sorry…), I often use VirtualBox (with Vagrant) to pull up a Linux box to use Docker or some other “Linux-only” stuff. Usually, this works really fine, but today my VirtualBox crashed with a STATUS_OBJECT_NAME_NOT_FOUND
June 24, 2015
I just stumbled over a post on Stackoverflow (http://stackoverflow.com/questions/30864466/whats-the-best-way-to-share-files-from-windows-to-boot2docker-vm) with the question how to mount a Windows folder to a Boot2Docker VM. Although the steps are a little bit confusing, in the end it is not difficult to do.
June 23, 2015
Today I came about a very annoying exception. After my development setup was running smoothly for the last six months, my application was getting database errors today. I know that I didn’t break something, so the problem had to be somewhere else - and it was: ORA-28001: the password has expired
June 9, 2015
Whenever you have a log-in on your site, the chance is high that you also want to have a log-out. The easiest way to do a log-in is to use HTTP’s Basic Auth. But how to do a log-out with Basic Auth?
May 3, 2015
Last week I attended a tech talk by Christian Schlichtherle, organized by Euro Staff in Berlin. The talk was about modularity and its different forms in software development. Christian talked about packages, libraries, APIs, dependency management and - as always when it comes down to modularity - about OSGi.
March 11, 2015
February 20, 2015
Some days ago I had to do a migration of legacy data to a new system. The task was mainly about copying stuff from the old system to the new system. This was done via a REST interface of the new service. So the task was completely IO bound and most of the time the migration script was waiting for a response of a REST call. A perfect situation to do some threading!
February 7, 2015
A couple of days ago I have been to a tech talk from eBay in Berlin. The talk was hold by a developer of the eBay Kleinanzeigen team (a subsection of eBay in Germany) who talked about development patterns his team learned during the years. He mentioned behavioral patterns, design patterns and coding pattern his colleagues and he discovered as good practices for their projects. Since nearly everything could be seen as a pattern, the talk was a mix of learned lessons and actual advises on how to structure code. Cool! It is always good to talk and hear about coding experiences and it also reminded me at something which is often more important than patterns: anti patterns!
February 6, 2015
Spring can not only inject beans (components, services, entities, however you want to call them), it can also inject them according to a certain scope. This is great if you have state-full objects which belongs (for example) to a dedicated user and not to the whole application. To do that, Spring introduced the @Scope